For those of you who’ve seen Fight Club, in my opinion, the greatest movie of all time would have actually seen Brad Pitt in his prime. The rugged dressing Tyler Durden with such suave hairdo and uncanny but stunning dress sense ate into poor him. The movie was first screened in 1999 and it possessed a hypodermic needle sting so potent that influenced his view of the perfect looking man till this very day.

What am I trying to say? That hairdo and patch of grass (although too thick) under his chin tells me of the roots of his influence. After much persuasion by me to understand his inner thoughts, I realized the truth about his insensible influence and ideal persona.
“He reminds me of a gangster, at least in the way he speaks” was the remark i got when I asked for someone’s opinion on him recently. Well, I’m not surprised as the classic four letter word has been deep-rooted in almost every sentence that shoots out from his mouth. I can attribute that to the lists of crude and violent Hollywood films that occupy his movie rack from young.

A movie buff, he has seen movies from Pulp Fiction to Reservoir Dogs to Trainspotting, films that have crude language in almost every dialogue.(Pulp fiction holds the current record for the amount of profanities it has)

I’ll like to blame Quentin Tarantino or Irvine Welsh for this, but it doesn’t help when one from a young age allows such a deep cut to his tongue by that very needle.
Before I go, I’ll like to share with you how the recent rise in race car movies has influenced this man so deeply that I almost lost my life sitting in his car. Remember Gone in sixty seconds and 2 fast 2 furious - Tokyo Drift? I literally had that experience on the PIE some time back; only difference was that the medium for speed was a Ford Mondeo meandering and drifting from left to right and such a maniacal speed. Seems like the needle stung his brains and sense. Kindly observe the meter below.
I'd like to think that you've seen this someone around no?
Like it or not, the media influences us in one way or the other. How we dress, wear our hair or even speak. It affects our perspectives and beliefs in life. In my opinion, it makes us another person then who we originally will be if not for media. Media makes us who we are and who we’re not. One way or the other, we are victims of the Powerful effects theory; consciously or unconsciously.
I wonder what would happen if everything on this planet became Ground Zero one day
Do you?