9.37 am Eastern Daylight Time (EDT), September 11, 2001. American Airline Flight 77 crashes into the west side of The Pentagon killing a total of 184 people, 125 people in the building and 59 passengers on board; the third plane of the September 11 attacks. I remember that very day when I was in secondary school and still a little too naïve and ignorant to empathize with such an issue. Anyway, exactly seven years after, I found an article on the Straits Times that i would like to share.
Clip explaining the significance of the memorial benches
In commemoration of the 184 who perished, a two-ache park with 184 cantilevered benches was built with each and every victim’s name inscribed on a single bench; the new memorial officially opened to the public about a week ago on September 11, 2008. The benches are positioned in progression according to the age of the victims with the youngest, age 3, to the oldest, age 71. What is more significant and memorable about the site is that it is built where the plane hit.
On an academic note, the American government has non-verbally communicated to the world through physical objects (artifacts) the respect given to the perished ones. The benches signify the deaths associated with September 11, 2001. The monument is also an honorable gesture from the government to the victims and their families and also a symbol of arguably America’s darkest moment.The positioning of the benches is also personalized depending on whether the victim died at the Pentagon or onboard the plane as explained in the clip. In my opinion, the American government commendation’s of the victims, to an extent, strengthens the unity within the nation and their war against terrorism, a notion of supremacy and stability in turbulent times.
However majestic or artistic the monument is, it can never replace the mourning and tragedy that the American people have suffered. We people are fortunate enough not to have experienced such a crisis and with fingers crossed, I hope we will never. If Washington is ever on my list of destinations in America, an afternoon walk on Virginia’s hallowed ground will be on the cards; a walk filled with worlds of respect and sentiments…..
Care to join me?
Sources : The Straits Times Saturday
September 13th 2008 Pg C15