My point is that sex is the most pleasurable activity men will ever have and what baffles me even further is that how some seem to disregard or downplay sex as a conversational topic, especially among women (ladies, Do correct me if I’m wrong.) With that said, I am impressed with advertisements that use seductive and sexual scenes to promote their brand. One, I think it’s a hell creative to do something like that, and two, I do not see a need to hide our true primitive nature. Whoever in the world associated outright sexual scenes as taboo and why does society, especially Asian culture, equate it to almost a sin?
Let me explain to you the definition of “art”. You may want to click on the picture to view clip.

I was impressed with the non-verbal cues in the clip and what first hit me is the usage of novel stimuli (something unique). How often do we see a sandwich at that unique position? I’ve never and I bet you’ve never. Secondly, notice the interesting representation of environmental objectics, in this case, the sandwich to convey the meaning of the absolute obvious. Thirdly, the man shows of a non-verbal intentional classic symbolic behavior of D.I.Y. at 0.08 seconds (I’m sure you boys are familiar with this, sorry ladies.) Next, Vocalics (giggling and laughter) and affect displays (“pole dancing”) both regulate the flirtatious act between the two individuals. Lastly, her affect displays and oculesis (eye movement) at the end when she conceals her flesh shows her unwillingness to flirt with a “smaller burger”. Hence the very interesting message for the audience is that a bigger burger attracts a lady,

thereby promoting the long and bigger chicken burger. A gem of an advertisement……. Does size matter to you?
Source : 1)
The "unique" position of the burger merely catches attention, but the key point in this ad is that the burger symbolizes something apart from the burger.
Being unique for the sake of being unique doesn't exactly make for good communication, unless the element of uniqueness ties in with the message.
An advertising guru said: 'Yes, you can come to a party with your genitals hanging out, everyone will notice and remember you. But will you be invited to any more parties?'
What i'm trying to say is that if the use of sex in the advertisement does to tie in with the product or the message being sent, then it's just soft porn.
Rachel, great minds think alike.
Dirty minds think like Terence.
This is what i see in the advertisement
Novel (unique) - burger represent something else.
message - Buy a bigger "burger" cos it'll attract women. Its obvious what the bigger thing is.
Hence, promoting the new bigger burger rather than the smaller ones that Burger King offers.
In this day and age, we can't deny the fact that a sexual scene doesnt't sell.
Does size matter to me! Of coure it matters, when it comes to burgers! And i am pretty sure you second that thought Terence.
The non-verbal cues in this Ad makes it beautiful!
Your breakdown of the actions were spot on! I loved the "small" dude at the end, he was just hehelarious!
Yeah, haha the 'smaller burger' dude was hilarious, shamefully hiding his burger..
Really good advertisement. And yes, I think sex is one of the basic instincts or desires in all of us, and in that sense it can reach out to most people. Once these people's attention have been caught, the advertisement use it to translate ideas.. If bigger is better in sex, why not in food?
Freud illustrates something along the lines of "our sexual self, is our actual self" - it is who we are in our souls. I perceive it as the unshackled character of one person who is connected to another in one soul, with complete disregard for the rest of the world - TIME STOPS, and you are in line with the universe. Which may be reason why people are discrete about it.
People usually cover their true selves, in social circumstances - When you meet friends, when you meet new people, you say things and you think some stuff, but u dont say everything you think.
In a way, you true self is like a treasure - a state of vulnerability, something you and only you know and like to keep it that way. As such, sex is of similar value, which may result in it being kept inside like a treasure, deep in the mind. I SAY," LET IT OUT" we could all enjoy a good time. And what better way to have a good time than by performing the best of all good times.
Applying this to the BK ad, i think it gains the viewers attention because it depicts something that is discrete to every individual. It's as if someone has found out about your "treasure".
And, It would be of importance to you to pay attention to the AD for it is talking about your little secret (SEX). That seems to be the motive of the sexually oriented advertisement. Ultimately, as it has been heard through the ages, and it probably and obviously true, SEX SELLS.
i like how the point was brought across so directly without the use of dialogue. definitely a good use of music and non-verbal cues!
The very "unique" position of the burger definitely catches everyone's attention. The language of art speaks for itself I suppose- The burger representing not just a burger but also a vital part of a humans body.
As creative as this may be,i personally feel,this could either be looked upon as something unique with depth that sends out a message or something that many may just laugh about and say,"hahah cool" leaving no impact on them.
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