There are so many different cultures in the world surrounding us. Different societies are bounded by different cultural norms and rules. It’s always interesting to observe or experience another culture’s way of living, communicating or perspective of things. I was in Barcelona sometime back and it was interesting to find out that the Spaniards only have dinner at around ten or eleven at night! Well, I only saw a handful of people eating at the diners during my trip for obvious reasons.
Nevertheless, when two people from different cultures meet, there is a high chance of misinterpretation or misunderstanding. Kindly take a look at the clip which is only a minute long.
We see a clash of two cultures here. The English lad (as by his accent – 0.21-0.23s) was unprepared for intercultural contact and his insensitivity has ended in a calamity. The donna in this case was left with people mourning for her. Even more “comical” later is the commercial's message that the two women had seen a ghost coming to life. In this clip of classical cultural conflict, the Englishman’s perception and interpretation of his reality contradicts the Italian culture with regard to the white chrysanthemums as a floral gift. In British culture, the white chrysanthemum symbolizes truth or genuineness, whereas it is only acceptable for funerals as it is a symbol of death in Italy. In my opinion, there is also an assumption of similarity as the man obviously assumes that the Italian woman would see the white flower in the same way he does, thus overlooking a major cultural difference.
The many different features of culture
My point being that we people should be sensitive and updated on an unfamiliar culture if we do ever have intercultural contacts. What is acceptable for us may be extremely taboo to another and slips like these could severe friendships, relationships or even a business deal.
I can safely say that HSBC have made efforts to understand cross cultural norms, knowledge and values worldwide. Have you?
World War Three has arrived, not literally but in the notion that we are struggling in a war against terrorism. These men of “self-righteousness” will forever continue to recruit those around them, namely immediate family members or friends. The numbers of carnage fanatics will continuingly increase and society is, in my opinion, fighting a lost cause. Yes they’ve caught Hambali, killed Mushin Musa and probably Mas Selamat as well, but these are just a few of the, I dare say, hundreds of thousands goons around the world.
Terrorism will never stop and Bush’s promise (look up 2001 quotes) to America that the heads responsible for September 11th will pay is utter bullshit. Let’s be honest, there’s no way America’s going to nab all of them is there? Finding Al Qaeda’s leading boys will be like finding needle in hay.
Even a magnifying class will not find you the needle.
I know for a fact that there will surely be more bombings, deaths and anguish worldwide in the future. What makes it even more dangerous is the fact that detonation happens at the most common and trivial of places like the MRT or even in a bus. Has it ever crossed your mind that you could just blow up into pieces all of a sudden?
Efficiency is key to achieving goals and objectives, as explained in the cartoon.
Nevertheless, it is key that society should be well-prepared to faced or foil these threats. Symbolic occurrences such as those of September 11, the Bali, Madrid and London bombings will leave a scar among the many whose friends and family perished in. More recently, the string attacks that were the result of three consecutive car bombs in the Iraqi capital of Baghdad claimed 32 and injured as many as a hundred.
People standing at the site of car bombing in the Shurta Rabaa district of west Baghdad, Iraq, Monday Sept. 29, 2008.
These men make flawed decisions because group pressures lead to a deterioration of mental efficiency, reality testing, and moral judgment. Terrorist cells have a tendency to ignore alternatives and take irrational actions that cause chaos. A group is especially vulnerable to groupthink when its members are similar in background and insulated from outside opinions. This is a good example of why Islam contributes the largest collection of terrorist as the founders of leading terrorist groups are of Islamic origin. Moreover, prejudice and destestation towards the west has been in cultivated from a young age as a result of growing up in such an environment.(I personally don’t have any grudge against Muslims so if you are one, kindly do not take this personally). However, I feel that these Middle Easterners tarnish the reputation of Muslims around the world.
The evil amongst men - Clip on 9/11, London and Madrid bombings
I can say that these maniacs of destruction are blinded strongly by the four of the eight symptoms of groupthink:
1. Illusion of invulnerability – Terrorist groups believe that they are the best and are delusional of the destruction and sufferings they cause. Consistent attacks worldwide are non-verbal cues to their belief of invulnerability that they as a collective unit can stand strong against anti-terrorism, anything and anyone. 2. Collective rationalization –They justify their ill-action as the “holy war”
3. Belief in group’s own morality – These terrorist organizations believe that their acts of carnage and mayhem are morally correct.
4. Shared stereotypes – Al Qaeda and Jemmah Islamiah has massive animosity and hatred for the West(America) or any of the American allies. They feel that they are against the majority of the world and in truth; the world is also against them due to the reputation that these terrorist have.
Has mayhem in anyway ever been part of your agenda?
Source : 1)Associated Press (AP) Photographer - Hadi Mizban